Kawepūrongo, Whakawhitinga Kōrero
This section covers news relevant to tertiary education organisations. It includes TEC, government and TEO initiatives, changes to our funding or reporting, and sector trends and research. You will also find information on any open consultations, including those we are running on behalf of the Minister of Education.
Kei konei ngā kawepūrongo e hāngai ana ki ngā kura mātauranga matua. Ka whakawhāiti mai ngā kaupapa kei te kōkiritia e te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua (TEC), te kāwanatanga me ngā kura mātauranga matua, te panonitanga ā-pūtea tautoko, ā-pūrongo hoki, ngā ahunga hou a te rāngai me ngā mahi rangahau. Ka kitea hoki ngā pārongo mō ngā whakawhitinga kōrero tuwhera, tae atu ki ērā kei te whakahaeretia e mātou mō te taha ki te Minita Mātauranga Matua, Pūkenga me te Whai Mahi.
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Showing 291 - 300 of 322 results
Some changes have been made to Ngā Kete
Published 6 April 2018
We have made some improvements to Ngā Kete. Ngā Kete is your secure search and browse portal to the information sources and products that TEC makes available. It is where we share information and wher…
Māori and Pasifika achievement is a learner success issue
Published 6 April 2018
This is an opinion piece from Tim Fowler, Chief Executive of the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC).
Login page for Workspace 2 and Ngā Kete has changed
Published 3 April 2018
We have changed the login page for Workspace 2 and Ngā Kete to support the Education Sector Login (ESL) upgrade.
Pilot of degree apprenticeship model underway in New Zealand
Published 15 March 2018
Engineering Education to Employment (Engineering e2e) is working with WelTec, Otago Polytechnic and the Institute of Public Works Engineers Australasia to implement a level 7 engineering degree appren…
Hackathon for students a great success
Published 13 March 2018
Students from high schools around Wellington and the local ICT Graduate School participated in the hackathon held at Victoria University of Wellington’s (VUW) Te Aro campus. The two-and-a-half day hac…
Pathway for change at the TEC
Published 8 March 2018
Today the Tertiary Education Commission's (TEC’s) Chief Executive, Tim Fowler, announced final decisions on a pathway for reorganisation of the TEC.
Competitive SAC funding to be stopped
Published 1 March 2018
Today, Education Minister Hon Chris Hipkins, announced the Government will end competitive allocations of funding at New Zealand Qualification Framework levels 1 to 4. This change seeks to give provid…
Tai Poutini Polytechnic investigation released
Published 28 February 2018
The West Coast’s Tai Poutini Polytechnic failed to deliver enough training hours across a range of courses between 2010 and 2015, an investigation by the Tertiary Education Commission (the TEC) releas…
A sustainable future for ITPs – mapping the path
Published 21 February 2018
Many Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) face financial challenges. But those challenges also present an opportunity, according to Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) Chief Executive Tim …
Māori and Pasifika Trades Training report released
Published 9 February 2018
In late 2016 the Tertiary Education Commission (the TEC) commissioned an evaluation of the Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT) initiative. The MartinJenkins report focuses on the operations and …